Pylons equikinetic training Slalom poles Cavaletti

41844 Wegberg, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0004
5,00 €
Colour  Blue
Condition Used - Good
Shipping Possible
Pylons equikinetic training Slalom poles Cavaletti - Blue pylons for sale, height approx. 70cm. Some with sand inserts/weighted down so that they stay standing in a storm. I use them as cavaletti. If necessary, simply place the pylons to the side, which is often useful for slalom and bounding. Pick up in 41844 Wegberg. Quantity: 30 pieces available. 1 piece weighs approx. 4 kg. Price 5€ VB for 1 pylon. Without poles.
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ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way

RoxaneFlag DE

41844 Wegberg, Germany directions

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