Vs saddle short 17 inch 33 chamber Swarovski unique + accessories not treeless - For sale is due to illness this beautiful Vs saddle focus dressage. The saddle is a real unique and has been occupied with large Swarovski rivets by the saddler. Also the accessories.
Details of the saddle Color night black Manufacturer Kadett According to saddler ( was freshly padded last year) chamber width 33 Padded to 43cm contact area with wide swirl channel. Leather is maintained ( mix cow calfskin ) Rear of the saddle edge, however, is a scrape, see photo (marked with nail) 17 inches Was on a short Tinker Accessories include : Stirrups Stirrup leathers Saddle pad Bandages Halter Reins Everything color coordinated. A really nice saddle Width measured in front with measuring tape 23cm. Shipping very much
Payment via bank transfer gladly I provide my ID card as a photo. Me and the saddle really exist 😊
Look gladly in my other ads, I have sorted out diligently. Private sale no liability for material defects or warranty and or return.
ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way ✓