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Peter Horobin Dressage Saddle
Seat size
Used - Like New
Back-friendly dressage saddle Peter Horobin Geneva KW 33/34 18 inch - High quality dressage saddle by Peter Horobin "SF - Geneva". It is in very good mint condition, only ridden very briefly. Short contact area, Peter Horobin develops his saddles to be very back-friendly for horse and rider. Very high quality workmanship and very high quality leather and padding
Size: 18 inch Color: black leather Piping: red Stitching: red and black Saddle flaps: standard length U-shaped gullet plate Adjusted chamber width: approx. 33/34 Medium chamber width ex works Incl saddle papers and saddle pad
New price: 4.300,00 EUR
This saddle allows the horse full freedom of movement thanks to an ingenious saddle design.
- Fully adjustable chamber width from extra wide to narrow - Comfortable soft seat for the rider, very back-friendly. - Velcro knee rolls - Generous channel width for freedom of movement for the spine - Lifetime guarantee on the tree - Wool flocked panels that can be easily repacked on site - Shoulder relief insert
Built on the StrideFree® tree for complete freedom of shoulder movement for the horse.
Further information at Questions and offers will be answered with pleasure;-)
Private sale, I exclude any liability for material defects. This sale takes place under exclusion of any warranty, EU-GUARANTEE and without return.
Pickup and shipping plus postage
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