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Horse photo shoot in Switzerland / horse photo shoot / horse photography

8856 Tuggen, Switzerland directions
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Horse photo shoot in Switzerland / horse photo shoot / horse photography - A photo shoot in winter?
You may be thinking that winter is not very suitable for a photo shoot, unless there has been fresh snow - then there is no question about it. But winter is actually very suitable for a photo shoot, even if there is no snow. Why is that? Let me explain briefly:

The advantages for a photo shoot in winter are as follows:
🐴 Unlike all other seasons, there are no pesky (biting) critters now!
🐴 Pleasant shooting times: Because the days are so short, we don't have to get up so early for a sunrise shoot and can sleep much longer than would otherwise be the case and have plenty of time! The same applies to the evening, as the sun sets early, it doesn't get that late.
🐴 Beautiful, soft and sometimes magical light! As the sun is much lower in winter than in the other seasons, we have great conditions for a shoot all day long! You can even take great pictures in the afternoon, which is almost impossible in summer with the high sun (= strong & unfavorable shadows, too strong contrasts).
Well, could I convince you a little?

Horse photography is a great passion of mine! My goal is to show and immortalize your favorite(s), gladly also together with you, from the best side! I would be delighted if I could get to know you and conjure up memories for eternity!

My website:

CarolineFlag CH

8856 Tuggen, Switzerland directions

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