Looking for leisure horse/family horse or rideable side-horse - I am looking for a lovely leisure horse/family horse that we can pamper and cuddle. Unfortunately I had to give up my two faithful mares due to my twin pregnancy. But I have to admit to myself that I simply can't do without a horse. At the moment we are still building an open stable for two horses on our property right next to the house. That's why the search is not quite so urgent at the moment. We offer an open stable in bad weather/winter/night and 24/7 hay, otherwise paddock. Small aches and pains are ok We are looking for Child-friendly For newcomers Safe off-road/roadworthy Since I am rather comfortable in the terrain (walk & trot) it should also be rather comfortable on the road and not have so much go. Gender, breed does not matter Age from 7-16 years Height from 160cm
Price up to 3000€, unless you can pay the rest in installments, then up to 6000€. We are only looking in Germany (our location is Thuringia)