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WesternImports Western Saddle
Seat size
Used - Very Good
Date of purchase
Western Saddle "KT-Allround X-Full Quarter - 16inch from Western Imports due to switch to English.
Have the saddle since last fall as a new acquisition (NP is at 1800€) and used about 3 months. After that it was stored at home. For the cellar it is just too bad, because the saddle is very comfortable for both horse back, as well as rider.
It was on a wide Paint mix, so it is suitable for the slightly thicker horses. It has a medium swing, but is also suitable for the slightly less "swingy" ponies. Could also imagine him well for cold blooded horses, Tinker or Hafis. The length of the saddle is about 66-67cm, so not for the very short backs. The seat is made of black suede and is very comfortable. The girth is made of nylon, the stirrups I bought additionally and can be purchased (about 20€ plus / NP ca.96€ via American Onlineshop).
They are twisted-angled aluminum stirrups with turquoise print, which relieve the knee and foot through the twisted shape.
In addition, I put a Stonedeek saddle protector in fleece.
Photos with horse + saddle I could unfortunately not make, because our gelding the saddle unfortunately no longer fits perfectly, but have older pictures of the horse without accessories on which he still fit, so you have a rough comparison.
He has an additional back cinch, so a rear girth for reining, cutting, etc. ...